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Helping Congress
"Questioner: My question is how to gain a technique to use spirit to transform intellectual quagmire? Gabriel: ...First of all, you...
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Getting Rid of Guilt
"God loves you. Whether you know it or not, God loves you. But when you know God loves you, it helps you to talk to God about why you...
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Fulfilling Your Desires
"You are in charge of the horse." - Archangel Gabriel “So let’s take wishes and turn them around. Let us suppose that instead of saying,...
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" Participant: So, did you confirm that reincarnation does indeed exist? Gabriel: It does, indeed. You are living all of your...
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World Chaos & Our Role
Saturate the evildoers with LOVE " Questioner: The world is going through a lot of change. The problem I am having is that there is so...
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Voice of Intuition
"You can use your soul. When something is going on in your life and you are not certain how you should respond to it, you can say to your...
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"God is constantly telling you that He loves you. He says it through other people, creatures, pets you have, the beautiful days He pours...
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Meditation Transforms Us
"Then it (i.e. knowingness after meditating) filters into the emotional body of you. While it is in your mental body, it takes away...
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Q.: What happened to the Essenes? Gabriel: Well, they are not gone, as it were. They disappeared like the Mayans and various other groups...
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Cosmic Consciousness
"The doorway to knowing God is the door through which you step when you meditate. I cannot emphasize to you enough the importance of...
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The Etheric Body
"The etheric body is a very real thing. It is visible. The etheric body has all of the organs of the physical body, everything. It is an...
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Your Spirit
You are spiritual beings. The spirit of you is that part of you that is made in the image and the likeness of God. …Now God doesn’t look...
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Princess Diana’s Demise
"In the incident in which it would appear that carelessness and attack worked together to end the earth life of the person that you...
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The Fifth Dimension
The first three dimensions apply only to that which is of the concrete – that which is of form, the universes, and so on. They have...
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Shortening Reincarnation
“If you want to consciously be resurrected, which I urge you to do because, for one thing, it will shorten the number of times you have...
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Your Inner Child
"Some of you have been so battered as children as to feel that you are a bad person today. Part of you thinks of yourself as a victim,...
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Our Resurrection
“So, resurrection starts slowly and it builds with experience; it builds with age. It builds with the choices you make; it builds with...
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How to Change
“Let’s suppose that you want to change where you work, what you do, and so forth. You can look at it in many ways. You can look at it...
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Three Energies
“When the Father breathed us forth, He put into everyone three energies. It does not matter if you are male or female, same three...
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Greatest Lesson
"One of the greatest lessons that you can learn is that you have no enemies; there is no one in your life that has ever done you any kind...
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