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Getting Rid of Guilt

"God loves you. Whether you know it or not, God loves you. But when you know God loves you, it helps you to talk to God about why you feel guilty. It helps you to say, ‘Father, I perceive that I have done thus and so. I know now that it was not a correct thing for me to do and I am very sorry that I did it. But the fact remains, I did it and I can’t undo it. But I can accept that I am forgiven. I can accept that You love me, and You hold nothing against me. I can accept Your peace. I can know that You love me.’ Now, you might have to say that a hundred times a day, but you begin. You say it and you feel it. You feel it. As you do, those walls of guilt come down. They crumble. Holes come in them until after a bit, they fall completely away and you are free.

Now you have to understand that most people very rarely do anything so-called bad on purpose. Most of you realize your so-called mistakes only in retrospect, only as you think back on them. But at the moment the situation was going on, it seemed all right, didn’t it? It was only afterwards that you thought, ‘I should have never done that.’

If you hold to guilt, then you are not forgiving yourself and if you don’t forgive yourself, then you can’t forgive someone else. You can’t reach out in forgiveness to another until you forgive yourself, until you say, ‘I am all right. I didn’t mean any harm and I am really all right.’

Talk to God every day about how you feel… When you rise in the morning, if you are in a foul mood, say to God, ‘Dear God, I am in a terrible mood. I don’t like being in this mood. I want to be in a peaceful mood. Please grant me a peaceful mood.’ Then you can talk to God on your way to work… It is entirely possible to have a running conversation with God all day long. You can talk to Him about anything at all.

…Engage God in conversation. Bring that awareness into your life in your everyday things. It is called Practicing the Presence. There is nothing that gets rid of guilt or sorrow or anything or breaks down the barriers of the walls of guilt faster than engaging God in every part of your life. You don’t have to talk out loud to Him if you are in a group. You can talk to Him in your mind.

Now the point is that anything, anything, that connects you to your God-self, to that awareness of a presence of God with you, always with you ever, is the only way that you are going to break away the walls of guilt even though they are 2,000 years old, break away anger, break away unforgiving feelings, break away anything that keeps you from that at-one-ment with God. Hold conversations with Him about everything from what you are going to wear that day to anything on earth that you want to talk about. It is a wonderful practice."

01/06/2025 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, HOW HEALING HAPPENS, Pgs. 20-23. Copyright 1998 Springwell Metaphysical Studies. All rights reserved. Photo: ID 83965802 © Antonio Guillem |

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