“I don’t think any of you realize how important energy is or how ever present it is or how you use it constantly. Even as you are sitting in your chairs, you are using a kind of energy. Physical energy usually is red in color and is a very sticky substance. It has a solidness to it, obviously, or it wouldn’t take form. Mental energy is finer yet and spiritual energy is the finest.
…Spiritual energy kind of drifts down and as it gets closer to you it picks up speed… it goes extremely rapidly so that it comes into you in such a way that you have physical energy to get up and move about and do something.
Let us suppose that you have a day when you feel very lethargic, and you don’t really want to move around much. Has anybody had one of those days? One of the quickest ways to get out of that is to do some physical activity, to get involved in movement. Movement attracts energy, always.
…If you want to get a project moving, then do something. Take a physical action of some sort and it will draw in more physical energy until, after a bit, you are going to find that you are really rolling along with what it is you are trying to do.
It is the same way with your emotions. How many times have you gotten up in the morning and felt just sort of down? …But suppose when you are feeling like that, somebody makes you laugh, really laugh. What happens? You begin to feel better, don’t you? New energy has come in. Now the energy of merriment takes over, and the energy of merriment, of laughter, is always light and it always will overshadow anything of a heavy nature.
What about mental energy? I am around Beloved Woman (Rev. Penny Donovan) who does a lot of writing. She will sit there sometimes and she is staring at the computer and she is staring and staring and staring. Finally I ask her, ‘Are you in there? ‘I can’t think of a word.’…and there she sits.
Now, this happens to everyone. …This is what you call writers’ block. This happens with artists, with musicians. The point I am getting at is, when these things happen, get up and do something physical. Then start with a poem, a little ditty, something to get your mind working, something to make you laugh. Get something that is merriment rolling and you’ll find that you can sit down and write or paint or whatever you were blocked from doing. Why? Because you have new energy coming in. …Once you get movement involved, then the energy comes in and it will carry with it whatever it is that you need in order to do whatever it is you are doing.
Have you not found that when you are feeling very lethargic and you force yourself to keep going, you just sort of plod along and nothing much is accomplished? But if you get the energy flowing and you are not plodding along, you will find that it changes everything.
Now, you have control of your energy. Always you have control of your energy. Learn to use your control over your energy. …Get energy moving and you will find that you can accomplish many things.
…We [i.e. angels] watch yon get into states of mind where your energy has really gotten snarled up. And you know when you are there, don’t you? You know when you are there and do you do something about it? No, no. You stay right in there and the thing is, you don’t stop to take measure and change your energy. It only takes just a second or two to do that and once you do, the whole situation around you shifts. Why? Because you are not down in the sticky part. You have taken yourself up and in taking yourself up, you get into a clarity where things go well.
…Negative energy is sticky. It is like your glue. Negative energy sticks to negative energy until after a bit, instead of a little negative thought, you have a whole dark cloud around you. When the first negative thought enters, use the control you have of your energy. Dismiss it and say, ‘No, I am not going to do it this way. I am going to go up to my higher self and I am going to deal with it from there.”
02/02/2025 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, THE ENERGY BEHIND EVENTS, September 5, 1997, Pgs. 14-19. Copyright 1997 Springwell Metaphysical Studies. All rights reserved. Photo: (c) Irinayeryomina | Dreamstime.com