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Your Soul & Miracles

“The spirit of you has a soul. …The soul of you has no mind of its own. It is a perfect, ever-working, never-failing, recording mechanism that records everything that you feel, everything you think, every experience you have. It records that which is true and it records with equal dedication that which is not true.

Now when I say something is not true, what I am talking about is a misperception that you have or a belief system that is not based upon truth. For example, if you believe that everybody in the world is evil, the soul records that and your belief system will be based upon that. If you believe that everyone is good and people do make mistakes, but basically everybody is good, that is recorded in your soul and your life’s pattern will be based upon that.

All of the experiences that you have had in all of your lifetimes are recorded in the soul and that information is equally available to you just the same as the truth in your spirit. For example, let us suppose that in one of your lifetimes you were a great warrior. You went forth into battle. You fought and you slew people. You would have a subconscious knowledge of how to go to battle and how to fight. In the current lifetime you would probably have an attitude of, “Don’t tell me what to do because I am going to do what I want’ because you would have a kind of false fearlessness that came from your lifetime as a warrior.

Let us suppose that you went to the other extreme. Let us suppose that you were a great healer and you went about healing and helping people. When you came into a new lifetime, you would still have that memory and you would have an instinct to help people. Perhaps you decided to be a doctor or some other caregiver and you wondered why you felt that was always what you wanted to do. It was because the influence from your soul was so pronounced in your consciousness that it kind of led you into a similar thing.

How many of you here can play a musical instrument without having taken lessons of any sort? Anyone here play the piano with their ear? You do? …It is because in another lifetime you played very well. Perhaps you were a concert pianist.

This knowledge of your experiences that is in your soul is available to you and it is part of who you are now. It is part of your belief system, of your personality. It is part of why you think the way you think. This is why some people have a very difficult time getting rid of a very bad habit. Of course, if one desired, it would equally apply to getting rid of a good habit as well. The reason is that if the habit is something that the individual has done in more than one lifetime, it is pretty deeply ingrained in the soul’s memory and it is something the person instinctively does over and over. So the soul contains all of your experiences.

You have two sources of information then, do you not? You have the spirit of you which always brings you truth. Now the spirit of you is not influenced by the soul, not at all. The information from the soul however is influenced by the spirit because the spirit is the son of God of you. The spirit is that in you which is all powerful.

The soul is kind of like a great library in which all of the information of your experiences has been stored and kept and is available to you. How many of you have found that when you started out in your youth, you thought, ‘When I grow up, I shall be thus and so?’ Then when you grew up, you became something totally different. You went off in an altogether different path. And you wondered, ‘Whatever happened to the idea that I was going to do thus and so?’

When that happens, usually the first idea… comes from the soul. That is a soul memory that is still influencing you. But the power of your spirit is greater. So the power of the spirit would know that the reason you are coming to the earth plane is to do something altogether different. So that information would come through into your mind and you would gradually change your thoughts and think, ‘No. I don’t think I will be this. I think I will be that.’

The spirit of you also influences your well-being. How many of you here consider yourself a positive thinker? You get up in the morning and you think, ‘Oh, thank you God, this is a good day.’ The power of your spirit overrides the thoughts and feelings from your soul. When you are in your spiritual consciousness, when you have bypassed the soul and you are in line with the God self of you, then new things, new ideas, new influences come into your life. It is from that aspect that you can change your life. If you are not happy with what you are or how you are living or whatever. It is from the spirit of you that you make a change and I shall tell you how it happens.

The spirit of you is ever in the state of grace. Does everyone here know what a state of grace is? It is when you are pure, filled with love, loved unconditionally by God, and there is no consciousness of any wrong-doing in you. That is your spirit. Your spirit is always in a state of grace. It is in that state of grace that you bring in the power that you have. None of you know how powerful you are. You all think you are victims of this or that or something else and in truth you are ever in charge of your own life.

You can be in charge of your own life in a helter-skelter – sometimes I can and sometimes I can’t – way, which is what most of you do. Or you can consciously choose to be in charge of your life by using the highest, which is your spirit self, to think things through, to make your decisions, and to live from that absolute knowing, which is the God self of you.

You think, ‘Well, if I can do that, then why haven’t I?’ It is because most people have in their soul a very strong belief system that tells them that they should suffer, they should be put upon, they are victims they can’t win, and so on. As a result of that, they accept what comes to them without thinking that they can make a difference. But they can make a difference with a change of thought. Just a change of thought can make their lives different. Now that change of thought must be held fast to. You can’t think it today and not think it tomorrow or not think of it again for a week or two.

When you can tune in – and everyone can – to that God self of you, then miracles happen. A miracle is your natural state of being. When you are not having miracles in your life, you are out of your element. It is like teaching a fish to tap dance! But when you are in your spiritual self, what you would call a miracle is the natural out-picturing of your divine good. And where do you think that would come from? The God of you because God loves you.”

01/26/2025 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, INTRODUCTION TO PRACTICAL SPIRITUALITY, Pgs. 27-31. Copyright 2013 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. To buy this book, please click here. Photo: (c) Rolffimages |

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