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"Participant: Did you say that the Soul also records all our fantasies - as well as the real experiences?

Gabriel: But, your fantasies are you real experiences. ...I would say it is safe to tell you that 85% of what you perceive to be fantasies are actually memories from other experiences that could be occurring at this present time."

12/23/2024 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, GETTING TO KNOW YOUR SOUL, Pg. 98. Copyright Springwell Metaphysical Studies. All rights reserved. Photo: ID 349145957 | Fantasies © Mikhail Kokhanchikov |

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"Participant: So, did you confirm that reincarnation does indeed exist?

Gabriel: It does, indeed. You are living all of your perceived past lives at the same time. Because your brain thinks in sequence, one thing follows after another; you perceive that you have a past, a present, and a future. Actually, all you have is the present. It just seems to you that there is a yesterday and that there is a tomorrow. Actually, it is all the same moment. This is why all of these lifetimes that you perceive to be in the past are all experienced at the same time.

But that little sequence of personality that is you here, standing there, cannot grasp the vastness of the Spirit of you. So you think that this little segment of you must follow one thing after another. In the past you were that one and now you are this one and in the future you are going to be that one. When I said to you this night that you are already planning your next lifetime, what I meant was that you have already begun to create the personalities that you are sending forth into the ethers to have these little experiences that you have chosen. That is all it is.

Participant: I know that what you are saying is true, but I can't quite grasp it in my consciousness.

Gabriel: That is because of the way your brain is structured and also the way your whole lives are planned in a manner that denotes the past, the present, and tomorrow.

Participant: ...Since there is no time, are some of these life experiences over-lapping so that it is possible for me to be here, in more than one place today?

Gabriel: You are present upon the Earth several times at the same time. ...In other words, you have another body walking around somewhere, doing something else, another consciousness doing other experiences at the same time.

Participant: Okay. Does that have anything to do with what they call 'soul mates' or is that something different?

Gabriel: That is something different. Soul mates are a whole different nature."

12/22/2024 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, GETTING TO KNOW YOUR SOUL, "Conversations with Your Soul." January 21, 1995. Pgs. 96-97 Copyright 2004 Springwell Metaphysical Studies. All rights reserved. To buy this book, please click here. Photo: ID 314384376 | Reincarnation © Irinayeryomina |

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"The Soul is not contained in the body. It interpenetrates it, but it is around the outside as well. ...The Soul is attached at the chakra above the head, at the top of the head, in the throat [which is] your power center, and in the solar plexus. The [points of] attachments are all equal. However, for a person who is very Earthy, the attachment is more grounded in the solar plexus, For the person who has more of a greater understanding and more control of their life, the attachment is stronger in the throst center. For the person who is truly totally spiritual, the attachment is the strongest at the top of the head. And for the person who has become a Buddha or a Christ, the attachment is in the chakra above the head."

12/20/2024 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, GETTING TO KNOW YOUR SOUL, Pg. 93. Copyright 2004 Springwell Metaphysical Studies. All rights reserved. To buy this book, please click here.

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