"In the incident in which it would appear that carelessness and attack worked together to end the earth life of the person that you called the princess, royalty, whatever, every single person involved in that planned it before they all came to the earth. Every single person. They all had their part to play and they all played it perfectly. There was nothing tragic about the event. From the human side, from the earth plane, it would appear this was a great tragedy, would it not? No. Everything was planned, acted out, and took place exactly as they had planned it.
But why, you might ask? Why would anyone plan such a thing? There are many reasons from the earthly point of view, but from the spiritual point of view it was the enactment to bring people’s attention to one single event and also to point out how a concentrated thought energy can make other things happen.
I have taught you before that energy gathers together. When an event happens on the earth in which the whole world is involved, and the whole world is involved, the energy coming into that event comes in, in a spiral until the event itself happens.
All of the people involved in the event had agreed to play their part, and as each part began that energy was drawn to that person. So it was along the way that the people involved drew together and this began almost two years of your earth time ago. This energy began to gather in order that this event might happen at the appointed time.
The people who were involved in it two years hence didn’t know each other on the earth plane. The driver did not know any of the people involved and the same was true with all of the other people. Each one took their appointed place and gathered with each other, sometimes just two, then a third, and then a fourth, and so on until all of the group had met. On a higher level, the very day of the incident, before they awoke in the morning of their day, they all met one last time on the ethers. They all had their appointed tasks well set in their minds and they set about to make it all happen.
The energy that started this whole event was very thin. It was the energy of only the people directly involved and their closest working spirit guides, angels, etc. As it got nearer to the event, the energy thickened, as it does with everything. The energy thickened and thickened and thickened and it pulled in more energy of like nature from without. It also involved the concentrated intent of the people involved.
When the energy had reached its climax, at that point the event took place. When the event took place, the energy that had brought it to be, burst out like a great explosion into the ethers.
Because the people involved were world-known, this energy struck into the energy pattern of each person who heard the news, who put any sort of emotion or thought in it at all, and everyone did. Right from those who were grief-stricken to those who said, ‘Oh really, so what else in new?’ It didn’t matter how much energy the individual contributed. All of that energy gathered together and it formed a wavelength that took the event and brought it into a larger and larger scope.
Had the event happened with five people who were not world-known, the same thing would have happened, but the explosion would have had less of an effect. And it most assuredly would not have brought the power to it that has been brought.
I am addressing this issue this night because I want you to understand that these things happen in your lives individually. When an event of importance happens in your life, the same thing occurs. The same pattern forms with everyone involved in that event. It doesn’t matter what the event is. It doesn’t have to be a perceived tragedy. It can be something glorious, a wedding perhaps, or the birth of a child, whatever. It doesn’t matter. The same spiral effect happens.
The idea comes. It is wispy and as it draws nearer and nearer in the time of its event, of its actual manifestation, the energy becomes very, very thick and very, very powerful. If the event is something of a shock to those involved, it does explode outward. If it is not a shock, for instance, if it is a happy event, when the event happens, there still is a kind of an explosion in which the energy of the event still goes out and affects anyone who has an interest or a connectedness to it.
Some people are able to hear of an event like that and say, ‘Oh, well, that is too bed. Really, it is too bad. I hope the children will be well,’ and put it completely out of their minds. Ninety-nine percent of the people cannot do that. Almost everyone finds a way of relating to the incident, even if it is someone like the Princess, with whom I don’t think any of you here in this room had a conversation recently, have you? But it affected you, did it not? There was a feeling, wasn’t there? You felt bad. You worried perhaps how would the children be or why would such a thing happen to such a young, needed individual? Why would it be so that she would leave the earth at this time?
...What would be the purpose of an event such as what happened with the princess? Spiritually, she came to do exactly what she did to awaken royalty out of its coffin. There is nothing more dead than royalty. …The reason is that protocol is the thing… It has gone on for generation after generation. For centuries that had gone on and there was no life in the royalty. Really. There was very little life, not much shifting of energy. Everything was just exactly the same. Now along came this new spirit life, this young woman who came in and would not be conquered. They couldn’t control her at all. If she had to sneeze, she didn’t leave the room. She took out a hanky, sneezed, and said, ‘Excuse me.’
Here was a wake-up call. Royalty is dying, Beloveds. The next monarch is the last one. After that there will be no more. In name only, that is all, and they know it. But here came this person to breathe life and connectedness and that is what she did and when she had done it, she left.”
10/27/2024 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, THE ENERGY BEHIND EVENTS, September 5, 1997, Pg. 5-13. Copyright © Springwell Metaphysical Studies 1997. All rights reserved. To purchase this booklet, contact: sherry@sacredgardenfellowship.org.