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"Now, the thing is that by receiving a gift - even if it is just a thank you, or a little card, or an extra cup of coffee, or whatever...
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Concept of Time
"Questioner: Do angels and spirits have a concept of time? Gabriel: No, because there is no time. Time is an element of the...
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In Love
"When you are in tune with your internal environment, you are in love. Not with some person out there, but you live lovingly. You find...
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Choices vs. Decisions
"Yes, we (i.e. angels) have choice. I guess I would differentiate it in this way. Choice is where something is presented to you this way...
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Satan = Ego
"Participant: In our Scriptures, there is a story about Master Jesus being tempted to turn stones into bread and take over the world and...
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Spiritual Growth
"The average person has multiple opportunities presented to them every day for spiritual attainment. For example, the way you react to...
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Two Choices
"You always have two choices...always! One is to listen to the voice of the ego, which will take you down the rosy path to nowhere. or...
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Karma and Guilt
"Karma is always based on guilt, always. If you have no guilt, you have no karma. Karma is created by guilt. Guilt comes from the idea...
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Past Life Regression
"You can never find the answers in the past for all current situations because today you are not the person you were back then. You have...
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"When you dream, you travel about in the astral plane. You create in the astral and those creations hang around you. Sometimes the dreams...
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Personal Magnetism
"Know how when you take two magnets and try to put them together, if you don't have the right end with the right end, they go apart?...
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Thy Will Be Done
"The Spirit of you knows where you are; the Soul of you doesn't care where you are; and the ego of you would have you be 'down here' as...
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"The pure. spirit self of you KNOWS IT HAS NEVER LEFT GOD, that God is an integral part of the beingness of that Spirit self of you, and...
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Our Guides
"You always attract guides to you that would be of help. You never attract someone to you that wouldn't know what to do in your...
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Biggest Blessing
"I know everyone thinks that the biggest blessing is to be loved. But the biggest blessing is to be loving. You know, love forms a...
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Saving the Soul?
"Saving the soul. Well, first of all, your soul is a precise record of every experience that you have ever had. It is eternal. It is...
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A Course of Miracles
"A Course of Miracles comes as close (i.e. to truth) as you are going to get. But remember, and this is in no wise a criticism. Whenever...
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"Non-attachment becomes your greatest gift, because no matter what is going on in your external environment, your internal environment is...
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Something Stupid
"If a friend did something stupid, would you stop loving them? No. Then why do you stop loving yourselves when you do something stupid?...
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Joy of God
“The joy of God is what propels the universe. …It’s what makes things want to become more or to reproduce, as you call it, and so forth....
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