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Voice of Intuition

"You can use your soul. When something is going on in your life and you are not certain how you should respond to it, you can say to your soul, 'I want to know the positive, the loving memories I have concerning a situation similar to this. I don't want any negative conditions in here." And you will be given a memory but not consciously. you won't say, 'Oh, I remember this and that.' But you will be given the feeling that will lead you through the situation in a very different way.

You also have to remember: Most people think they learn best through adversity. You have a saying upon your earth, 'No pain, no gain,' and that is not true. You don't have to suffer to learn. You can learn in perfect happiness. You don't have to be in pain to learn something.

...Now there is a very good lesson there: Don't hang onto past pain. Everybody has a horror story of something that happened in their life or in their childhood perhaps, but it does you no good to dwell on it or to use it as a reason for you to be less than you could be now. There is no reason. It is over. It is done. Forgive whoever participated. Forgive yourself for choosing it and go on with your life because, like a whack on the head, it is over. You don't have to think about it anymore.

A lot of people dwell in the past or they use the past as an excuse. 'Well, I can't succeed because I was always taught that I was a failure.' Well, who are you going to believe, the spirit of God which is in you or somebody else telling you that you can't do something? Listen to the truth of you. Listen to the voice of intuition. That is the voice of God talking to you."

12/08/2024 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, YOUR SPIRIT AND YOUR SOUL, April 7, 1999, Pgs. 20-21. Copyright 1999 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. Photo: (c) Nikkizalewski |

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