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Three Energies

Updated: Aug 12, 2024

“When the Father breathed us forth, He put into everyone three energies. It does not matter if you are male or female, same three energies. The first one – the highest one – I guess could be summed up in one word, purity – a kind of wisdom, a peacefulness, an acceptance of what is as it should be.

The second one He put there - I guess, in your terms – would be best called passion, desire, action, do-do-do, take charge, be boss. So what happens is: When you have that one be dominant, you are very bossy, very much controlling, very much want to be in charge, no matter what.

Now, the last one He put in is the lowest one – and everybody has it. And that is inertia or ignorance. …They never try to better their understanding. They never try to help other people unless there is something in it for them.

…Now, everybody has all three of these things in them. And everybody experiences each one, sometimes in one day. …It is whatever is predominant in your consciousness at the time – which one of these three voices are you listening to that determines your actions, your thoughts, your feelings. It colors everything about you. So what do we do about that?

First of all, we recognize these three aspects as being internal. They are three energies that repeat over and over and over the same vibratory rate. …All these things are energies that come into you, and you feed them, you listen to them, and you obey.

Now the key is to detach from their influence. When you are detached from the outcome of anything – I don’t care what it is – you rise above the two lower energies and they do not engage you. Have you not noticed when it comes time for a retreat, anything that could go wrong for you does? That old ego gets in there with boxing gloves on and he has a good time, huh? That’s because you have listened to either inertia or to action, passion, I-will-do-this.

Now we come to those of you who recognize that and say to the ego, ‘Get lost, I’m going to do this anyhow.’ Now, to you, you are up there. Guess where you really are? Right in the middle – the action, “I am in charge!” So when you are in charge, you aren’t listening to anything else. The Higher Self talks to you, but you don’t hear it. You are going “to do.”

…So you have to be careful how you do battle with your ego. You can never win an out-and-out confrontation with your ego because there’s more of it than there is of you. So to deal with the ego, guess where you have to go?

Up. Up into the purity. Up into the detachment from anything below. Up to where you see clearly, where wisdom fills your mind. You are not afraid of the outcome because how could it be bad if God is in charge of it? And that’s what you know, not only in your head, but in your heart. Then the ego is defeated. Then you have won the battle. And eventually you will win the war.

When you engage the ego in a confrontational attitude, you’re lost before you begin. It will throw anything and everything at you, from ill health, car breakdown, bank empty, you name it… That’s how the ego wins: is to beat you down to where you get into inertia where you don’t care. You don’t care about anything – what’s the use, why try, you are not going to win. And this has happened to every one of you.

Every one of you have been defeated buy the ego more than once. And then, when you recuperate from that and you say, ’Why did that happen to me? Here, I ask God, I ask angels, I call upon Teachers and everything and… Nothing!”

We cannot go down into inertia. We cannot go down into control or passion and haul you out. Why? Because we would be overriding your free will, and that is never allowed, ever. However, if you sincerely put forth effort to go up, then we can help you because then we are working in accord with your free will. And we can give you strength, we can give you wisdom, we can help. But, as long as you linger in the lower realms, in these lower energies, we can’t do anything. …So, detaching from the end result from any situation requires an absolute trust that God is the one in charge. God is the only one who is going to save you, so to speak. And that is the only way you can defeat the ego.”

08/11/2024 Blog. Nq-on Kar, A Tibetan Master, TRUE DETACHMENT FROM ILLUSION, April 29-21, 2013, Pg. 2-7. Copyright © 2013 Rev. Penny Donovan and Donald Gilbert. All rights reserved.

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