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The Fifth Dimension

The first three dimensions apply only to that which is of the concrete – that which is of form, the universes, and so on. They have absolutely nothing to do with anything higher than that.

The fourth dimension is the dimension of desire. It is at this point that ideas are played with in the minds of whatever. Whether it be the mind of a plant, a tree, a person, an animal, it doesn’t make any difference. …The fourth dimension is a combination of form and non-form because it is from the fourth dimension that form comes to be on the three lower dimensions. When I say form, I’m not referring only to physicality or to objects such as what you have here (i.e. in the room), or anything of that sort. Thought is form. Everything you think about, which you take lower than the fourth dimension, is form. The old saying, “thoughts are things” is quite literally true. Thoughts are things; they take form.

Everything is energy, I don’t care what it is. No matter how solid it appears, it still is energy. Energy is constantly moving. It never stops. It is always in transition, so to say. It is because energy is always moving that nothing remains the same. Nothing.

The Fifth Dimension - Where Ideas Are Born

The fifth dimension has no form to it. If anyone in physicality were to visit it – which you can’t do but if you were – you wouldn’t see a thing. Everything there is formless. It is the lowest edge, one might say, of the unmanifest. It is at that level that energy begins to take on an inspiration, an idea, a concept. That energy descends to the fourth dimension which adds to it the fourth dimension energy and causes things to come to be.

This is true of everything, not just of forms that you can see. This is true of what takes place in your lives. You bring to you exactly, with no exceptions, what you have asked for, what you desire to experience. You bring forth into form everything that happens to you, for you, and through you on the earth plane and on every other level of spirit.

The problem is: Most people don’t know that. Consequently. They think things happen to them, or that they have entered into situations over which they have no control. You never do not have control of your situation, ever.

No matter how it appears to you, you are always in control of your situation on the fifth dimension, because it is on the fifth dimension that the birthing, one could say, of the idea of what it is you wish to bring forth, comes into being. This applies on all levels: in paradise, in heaven, in the universe, on earth. It matters not where. It is true of everything because that is how things come to be.

…The fifth dimension does not discern between what is termed good and what is not good. …In other words, the fifth dimension is a neutral place of ideas, of thoughts, of things that are to be made into form. Whether the form be a solid, an action or an experience – a long-lasting experience or a very brief one, a happy one, a sad one, an injurious one – it doesn’t make any difference to the fifth dimension. It will give you exactly what you ask of it.

When you get an idea, it always comes from the fifth dimension. What you do with that idea is entirely up to you. When an idea comes into your consciousness and you think, “Oh, I just had an idea of doing thus-and-such. I wonder how I should approach this?” You take a moment to go to your inner Self, to the fifth dimension, and ask, “How might I proceed with this idea?” The fifth dimension will give you all of the answers.

When that idea comes down to the fourth dimension, which sees the downside, as well as the upside of something, it depends upon your intent as to which one you will bring to you. If you are a positive thinker, if you are a person who always thinks, “Well, somehow this is going to work out all right. I’m not sure how, but it will be fine,” then you draw from the fifth dimension the energies that will produce a good result. Those energies will come into the fourth dimension which draws to it circumstances, people, and whatever is required for you to proceed with this.

….When you want something to happen, it is imperative, absolutely imperative, that you hold it in the highest degree. You cannot allow the concrete mind and your emotions to tell you that it’s not going to work or you’re going to run into trouble or so-and-so is going to oppose you or whatever you dream up – unless of course you want that experience.


10/06/2024 Blog. Master Teacher Stella, EXPLORING THE FIFTH DIMENSION, September 29, 2012, Pages 1-7. Copyright © 2012 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. Photo: (c) Vital125 |



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