“If you want to consciously be resurrected, which I urge you to do because, for one thing, it will shorten the number of times you have to return to the earth plane to learn lessons. Anybody here for that? The other thing too: it will free you from the illusions that have entrapped you all these centuries as you come back again, and again, and again – frequently, to do the same things over and over and over again.
Resurrection takes place slowly and quite in depth. Every time you make a gesture of being resurrected, it’s very penetrating. You never do resurrection only on the surface. That’s not possible. It reaches deep. It goes all the way to your spirit. In so doing, it awakens more of the spirit. It allows the flower, so to speak, to bloom.
You are all discerning enough, if you will use your discernment to recognize when you’re fooling yourselves – when you think, ‘Oh, well, I can’t do that right now because of thus-and-so” – when, in truth, you can do all of this anytime you put your mind to it.”
09/22/2024 Blog. Ascended Master Stella, RESURRECTION AND FAITH, February 10-12, 2012, Pgs. 19-20, Copyright © 2012 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. Photo (c) Feverpitched | Dreamstime.com