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"Some people criticize, mostly themselves, but they criticize a lot because they are trying to fulfill the expectations of people in their childhood. They cannot do that because their childhood is gone. They have to work with who they are now, not who they were then. And who they are now needs to be a loving gentle soul. Being quiet and not saying much is not necessarily being a gentle soul – it’s just stuffing it down. They need to let it out a little at a time in kindness to themselves. Don’t look at things and judge. Nobody is wise enough to judge another – indeed, not enough to judge themselves. So let softness, let gentleness, be the intent. And they will find things come very much better for them.”

10/18/2024 Blog. Nq-on Kar, A Tibetan Master, TRUE DETACHMENT FROM ILLUSION, April 29-21, 2013, Pg. 18. Copyright © 2013 Rev. Penny Donovan and Donald Gilbert. All rights reserved. Photo: ID 191321917 © Andrei ASKIRKA |

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