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Manifesting Desires

"You are in charge of the horse." - Archangel Gabriel

“So let’s take wishes and turn them around. Let us suppose that instead of saying, ‘I wish.’ You say, ‘I will. I will do this. I will have this. I will know this.’ Now, you establish that. That is one of the ways of building confidence.

Now you take it a step further and you claim your God-Self… ‘I AM.’ When God breathed you forth and you became conscious living beings, you awakened to a great joy. You awakened to an unbelievable love. And the first thing that uttered forth from the human awareness was ‘I AM! I AM! I AM!’ and it was a marvel to you. ‘I AM!’ You felt, you believed in, you knew ‘I AM.’ It was baby’s first word, ‘I AM.’

…The words ‘I AM’ is a command of life. It is a command of energy. That’s why we [i.e. angels] shudder every time we hear someone say, ‘Oh, I am tired,’ or ‘ I am ill,’ or ‘I am poor,’ or ‘I am disgusted,’ or ‘I am …’ anything that’s negative, we just cringe because you are calling it forth with great power. But when you say, ‘I AM,’ so you are bringing in the very life force into whatever you follow up with.

…The term ‘I will’ brings it into your awareness. You claim it, you own it, then it becomes yours. Now, instead of saying, ‘I will have this,’ or ‘I will do this,’ now you say, ‘I AM having this. I AM doing this,’ and that changes the context. Now you are giving a divine command, ‘I AM.’

…When you go with enthusiasm, with the joy of your Spirit in something, you have got to succeed because you’re bringing in every kind of support that you could possibly require – you have enthusiasm, you have trust, …you have divine inspiration. You have everything you need to bring forth that which you desire. …The bottom line of today’s lesson is: Do it! Just do it! And everything that you need, the Universe will give you. Everything, with no exception.

…A little homework… I want you to find something each day in which you can use these three things: I want you to do something that is daring to you. Now, I don’t mean leaping out in front of a locomotive. I’m talking about something that forces you to go a little further than you ordinarily would go. I want you to do it with confidence in yourself and in the God in you. I want you to do it with absolute trust, and as you are doing it, even before you are doing it, I want you to affirm, ‘I AM,’ and bring in your power with the ‘I AM.’

In the midst of your project, I want you to affirm, ‘I AM,’ and as you do, envision that God-power working through you and with you and in you and all about you, doing this with great confidence and great enthusiasm, great enthusiasm. I’m telling you, Beloveds, you have no idea the power of enthusiasm, no idea. It can take you anywhere you want to be, but the key is to remain enthusiastic, interested, and daring – indeed daring – to go forth with great confidence.

I want you to hold before your mind’s eye ever the completed vision of what you have written on your papers. Each day, I want you to look at it and to thank God for it, to act as though it has already been materialized, and to fully, absolutely expect it to be so. Then you must be willing to wait and look for and expect and invite inspiration, because inspiration is a very important part of this project, very important.

Inspiration is so pure, so very, very pure, that when it comes into your awareness, it will sweep you along, because it goes beyond, above, and has nothing to do with any kind of a negative thought that you may have entertained. When your body is tired, rest it. When you are hungry, eat. When you want to say, ‘No,’ to somebody, say, ‘No.’ You are in charge of the horse. Life is your vehicle, and you can drive it wherever you want to.

You have to remember that you are in charge. You are in charge. You don’t need anyone’s permission to do what you want to do, not anyone’s, not even you. A lot of very wonderful opportunities are lost because the person to whom they come feels that they must get somebody’s permission to do or to have or to be, whatever. They feel they have to get approval from someone. Somebody has to love them or they can’t do it.

There are only two people, two powers, I shall say, necessary for your project: yourself and God. That’s the only two that you need. The only approval you need is your own approval. Do you like what you’re doing? Yes. Are you enthusiastic about it? Yes. Then, go for it. Go for it. Do your homework, but do it! Don’t let anything or anyone discourage you.”

01/05/2025 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, MANIFESTING, Pgs. 214-221. Copyright 2019 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. To buy this book, please click here. Photo: (c) Aprilphoto |

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