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Lower Astral

"Participant: ...When we're in spirit, why don't we ...quit coming back and making mistakes?

Gabriel: We'd love to know! ,,,It's just that you take such an attitude... you get down in that lower astral and you will not look up at the light. You stay down there and you believe everything you see there, everything you experience there, never stopping to think that it's all illusion. There's none of it true. And instead of looking up to the light and going into the light of understanding and of truth and love, you hang about there and then you decide to reincarnate and you come from that low astral perspective and you create for yourself terrible experiences."

03/29/2023 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, LOVE & THE EGO, Pgs. 31-32. Copyright © 2019 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. To buy this book, please click here.

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