“A woman walked up to Miriam … and said, ‘I want to thank you for what you said to me. I never thought about my daughter being met by angels or that she would be waiting for me. You have no idea how comforting that was.’ The exchange of a sentence or two helped that woman. Doing little things like that is living your truth. …So, it isn’t always going out and doing something grandiose. It’s the little moment-by-moment kindnesses: a kind word, a touch, sometimes there are no words, sometimes it’s just a hug, a touch. It’s what comes from within you in a feeling of caring, even if it’s for that [snaps the fingers] length of time. This is what makes the difference in the world. And this is really enough.”
09/02/2024 Blog. Ascended Master Stella, RESURRECTION AND FAITH, February 10-12, 2012, Pgs. 30-31, Copyright © 2012 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. Photo from K. Romani.