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Communicating with Our Teachers

"When you leave the physical form behind, in what you perceive to be death, your energy expands. Everyone walks about in a… I guess I could say…a cloud of their energy. It precedes you and it follows you. It surrounds you. We, in spirit, who teach or communicate in any way, sometimes do draw near to you.

Other times, if conditions are not conducive to that, we can project our energy to you. This energy is both giving and receptive. We can use the energy to communicate with you, tell you something, or impress something upon you. At the same time, your desires, your words, or your thoughts to us are imprinted upon that energy and returned to us.

So, frequently, when you feel, or think you feel that one of us is around and about, sometimes we are not actually present with you but have sent out energy to you. This is how you receive things.

How you can tell the difference is: In general, the energy comes as a kind of thought, or idea, in your mind. It’s as though you think, ‘Oh, I understand thus-and-so.’ When we are actually present with you, the feeling of our presence is much more solid. It’s clearer. You know definitely who is there. So that’s how you can tell the difference. I wanted you to understand that.

It's quite easy to have a dialogue using energy. In fact, you all use this method. Have you not been with a friend, or perhaps in a group, where there was a discussion, and there were certain things that you agreed with and there were other things that you did not? Even though you felt reluctant to say you disagreed for whatever reason, still you did disagree.

While you may not say anything, the energy of disagreement would go forth from you and touch into the person you were with that you disagreed with. The thing that you should understand is: Even if you say nothing, the energy of your disagreement reaches out and touches whomever. And this can add to their irritability, even though you have said nothing. It isn’t only with disagreements. Sometimes, it’s something you agree with.”

07/14/2024 Blog. Ascended Master Stella, RESURRECTION AND FAITH, February 10-12, 2012, Pgs. 1-2. Copyright © 2012 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. Photo 210608508 | Spirit © Microgen -


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