"Most everyone in this room, to some degree or another, is a worrier. Some of you worry more than others, some of you worry about some things and not about something else, and some of you worry about everything, and some of you worry about only certain areas, but you all have a level of worry.
Now, worry or fear of any kind gets to be a built-in system in your consciousness. An old habit is like a stone. It is heavy, immovable, and quite frequently impenetrable, depending on how strongly you feed energy into it.
Now, a lot of you in this room will say, ‘Well, I’m not going to worry about it, so I’m not even going to think about it,’ but then you do. So what is happening is that the energy around you, you are pulling in and you are feeding this worry, this old habit.
Let us say that the old habit is not worry. Let us say that it is impatience or having to have your own way. Some of you in here are very stubborn. You’re going to do it your way even if it kills you, and you’re not going to yield to anyone else’s advice nor are you going to yield to anything. You’re going to do it your way.
Now, that is fed by the ego. Egos love people like that who won’t listen, who have to do it their way, their-way-is-the-only-way type of thing. The ego really gets fat and comfortable with that attitude.
Now, if we are going to do this that we talked about, sticking to a decision and following through with Divine Guidance, then something in this old habit has got to give way, because otherwise the old habit is going to prevent you from going up into your Divine Self. Whether the habit be worry, stubbornness - doesn’t make any difference what the habit is – if it is something that keeps you from your highest good, it’s going to fight you tooth and nail to keep you from making a decision or, if you do make a decision, keeping you from sticking to it.
Now what happens? When you have an old habit that is difficult to break, the energy that comes into it wraps around it and it gets bigger and bigger and more and more solid. Now, when new opportunities come, they can’t get in, they can’t penetrate the old habits.
Now, old habits are insidious in this wise: You can say, ‘Alright, I know I have a habit of…,’ we’ll say ‘impatience’ for example. ‘I know I’m impatient. It’s a habit I have, but I’m working on it. I’m not going to be impatient.’ Now an opportunity comes along for something, but it requires you waiting a little bit. ’Oh, alright, I can wait.’ ‘Well, it seems like if it was going to change, it would have done so, don’t you think? I think I’ve waited long enough. Three minutes. Don’t you think that’s…I’ve waited long enough so I’m just going to go with this idea.’ And away you go.
Now, what has happened? You have just fed your old habit of impatience. You haven’t put it in its place. You haven’t allowed yourself to go into your Higher Self. You’ve been pulled back in.
…The vibration of anything that you have as a habit is made solid by you practicing that habit. Anything that you practice becomes more. If you want to be a fine musician, you practice. If you want to feed an old habit, you practice. If you want to accomplish anything, you practice. And just about everybody practices feeding their bad habits.
So how does one get rid of an bad habit? First of all, you have to become aware that you’ve got it. A lot of people don’t know the bad habits that they have. …Now this is true of any old habit – whether it be procrastination, putting off until anytime anything you don’t want to do today, whether it is impatience, losing your temper – it doesn’t matter what it is.
Here is the key: When you are facing that old habit, stop yourself and say, ‘I know this is the old habit exercising its energy and I shall not allow this. I am in command of my life and I am going to be patient [or whatever]. I know this will come and bless me.’
Always remember that for you to change your mind, you have to change your mind and stay with the change. It comes back to making a decision and sticking with it. As long as you are flip-floppy about your decisions, old habits are going to be in command of you, ever. You will never have an opportunity come that you can truly take in and benefit from as long as you allow old habits to exercise their power over you.
Let us say that new thoughts are ever about you – always flowing ever about you – and here you are in the middle of them and all these new thoughts. But a new thought that doesn’t get a hold of your mind, doesn’t stay with you. It isn’t given an opportunity to build up an energy that will give you a transformation. A transformation is when new thoughts come in, better things come in, that focus themselves – hook themselves into you – and you can build on them.
Making a decision and sticking with it is one of the best ways of opening the door to new opportunity, but you have to be aware of the influence of old habits. And when the old habits stick their finger in your pie, you have to slap the hand and say, ‘No.’ and allow that new energy to come in.”
Blog Master's Note: May we all be inspired by this Blog and aware enough to rise above at least one of our old habits in the New Year 2025.
12/29/2024 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, MANIFESTING, Pgs. 167-171. Copyright 2019 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. To buy this book, please click here.