"One of the greatest lessons that you can learn is that you have no enemies; there is no one in your life that has ever done you any kind of wrong, in any way, at any time, under any circumstances. Whatever another may have done to you, by your perceptions, is something that you asked them to do. And because they loved you enough, they did it. Now that’s a hard concept because we all like to think we have an enemy or someone who has done us dastardly things. No. In truth, no one has ever done anything wrong to anyone else.
Now, you might look about your earth at this time and say, “I can’t believe that. Look at the war. Look at the little children who are killed. Look at this, look at that…” But every single situation like that is that way because the people involved asked it to be.
When God created humankind, He did not create conflict. He created unconditional love. But humankind created conflict because they thought it would be fun. Then conflict took over and they found it wasn’t fun. It was something they didn’t want and they didn’t know how to be rid of it.
But you do know how to be rid of it. You do know. All you have to do is go up to the fifth dimension in your asking, for there is where you will find truth. And if truth is what you want, truth is what you will have."
09/01/2024 Blog. Master Teacher Ava, EXPLORING THE FIFTH DIMENSION, September 29, 2012, Pg. 18. Copyright © 2012 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. Photo © Albeatza - Dreamstime.com