"You never can go back to what you were before you entered unto here (i.e. lessons from Archangel Gabriel), for you have been touched by God because you are God, and all that I have done is open the channels that your errors have closed. And I have allowed you to taste and to know your knowingness, the truth of your being. You are life and life is all that is. And you are love and you are truth and you are joy. You are unspeakably profound and unique. In all the universe, there is none like unto you, and these are the things that you are learning, my beloveds."
04/05/2023 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, ANGELS, SPIRIT GUIDES & OTHER BEINGS, Pgs. 25-26. Copyright © 2011 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. To purchase this book, please click here.