"When you return to your bodies (i.e. after meditating) you bring back with you not a memory, for memory is an illusion, but a knowing. I cannot tell you what that is like because you do not have any words that would adequately describe it, and I refuse to mislead you by saying it is something that it is not. But you bring back with you that essence of Isness and it touches into the mental body. In so doing, it quickens the mind. It draws the mind's attention away from that which is lesser than itself which would be the emotional body and the physical body. It causes it to be colored, as it were, by that essence of Divinity and in so doing, broadens your knowingness."
11/22/2024 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, THE IMPORTANCE OF MEDITATION, June 6, 1993, Pg. 9. Copyright 1993 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. Photo: (c) AnnaOm | Dreamstime.com