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Cosmic Consciousness

"In your allegory of Adam and Eve you will note that they became quite uncomfortable when they looked and discovered that they were naked and they quickly sought to clothe themselves. ...This is symbolism. When you first realized that you decided you could do without God, you sought to clothe and cover up that God aspect of you. So you clothed yourself with a mental body, an emotional body, and ultimately with a physical body.

Now up until that point, you knew God. You knew who you were. You had no problem with memory at all. You knew that you and the Father were one. You worshiped Him, It, Her, whatever you care to call It, in the true sense of the word by the very beingness of what you are. There was not a time set aside for worship or prayer, for all of you were at one with all of God. But when you decided to cover up that allness, you impeded your ability to be aware, totally absolutely aware of God. Meditation is that journey back to that time when you are aware of your at-one-ment with God and this is cosmic consciousness."

03/29/2024 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, INTRODUCTION TO PRACTICAL SPIRITUALITY, Pgs. 105-106. Copyright © 2013 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. Photo by Yevhenii Tryfonov. To buy this book, please click here.

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