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Being the Truth

Yeshua: "What is being the truth?

Don: Well it's being centered in who you are at the moment and knowing that we are a child of God.

Yeshua: In addition to that, being the truth is the ability to see yourself as a very pure being, as one who knows more than what the earthplane would hold for you. It is the ability to know you are not a disease, you are not an ailment, you are not a perplexity, you are not anger, you are not jealousy, you are not murderous thoughts. You are not anything that is not sacred and holy."

08/25/2023 Blog. Master Yeshua, HEALING AND THE HEALER'S JOURNEY, October 26, 2008, Pg. 4. Copyright © 2008 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved.

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