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A Perfect Relationship

"Let us suppose that you ask for a perfect relationship and you hold to that. 'I desire and thank you, Father, for this perfect relationship,.' You will draw to you a person who will engage in a perfect relationship to teach you whatever that relationship needs to teach you - patience, loving kindness, independence, whatever. You will draw to you a person who will interact with you in a relationship in a way that makes you grow. And that is what you are asking for, the perfect relationship, that which makes you grow. So when you ask for a perfect relationship, it isn't necessarily one that is going to go smooth as glass with no interruptions. It's going to be one that's going to give you the outpicturing of exactly what would make you a better person."

01/10/2023 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, MANIFESTING, Pg. 267. Copyright © 2019 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. To purchase this book, please click here.

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