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“…Most of you don’t recognize interruption when it happens. …You label those interruptions various things such as duty, obligations, being a good spiritual person… You don’t see interruption for what it is: Interruption is anything that takes you away from your intent. …True interruption is when you are putting energy into something that has no benefit but someone asked you to do it, so you want to be kind, so you do it. True interruption is when you turn your whole thought process to something altogether contrary, altogether opposite. That is true interruption. …Of course you’re supposed to be kind and loving and all those things, but to be kind and loving means to take the very best care that you can of the only person in the world that you are totally, absolutely responsible for, and guess who that is? Yourself. Yourself.”

04/18/2023 Archangel Gabriel, MANIFESTING, Pgs. 248-249. Copyright © 2019 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. To buy this book, please click here.

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“Know you how in Scripture it tells you, ‘And it came to pass?’ That is a grand truth, something you should remember. Everything comes to pass. Nothing remains the same, even from moment to moment. You are growing. You are evolving. You are becoming more. You are less and less bound and more and more free. Now the key, beloveds, is to tune into the freedom. …Freedom is the ability to always know that you are alright no matter what is going on around you. The other thing is to recognize that you are never alone. …If you are never alone, then there is always angel help. All you have to do is turn your mind to it. …When you ask for help, the moment you ask it, it’s there.”

04/17/2023 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, ANGELS, SPIRIT GUIDES & OTHER BEINGS, Pg. 114. Copyright © 2011 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. To purchase this book, please click here.

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"One must consider the seven aspects of God as something you must practice. You are only as spiritual as your actions demonstrate. You may speak loudly of your beliefs but if you do not live them in your actions, they are not real to you.

Remember, God made us all in His image and likeness. Therefore these seven aspects are within us now, and our actions speak volumes about what we have in our subconscious that fuels our actions, which demonstrates our true…

The Seven Aspects of God and What They Are to Us:

1. Life – the innate quality and strength within us.

2. Love – our true feeling nature.

3. Intelligence – ability to know and comprehend.

4. Truth – that which is, as opposed to what appears to what

seems to be.

5. Principle – our beliefs and strengths or weaknesses by which we


6. Spirit – the very foundation of what we are.

7. Soul – our personal memory of what we have experienced and

learned whether truth or error.

The ancients knew that we are meant to be consciously aware of our union with God. The Old Testament is full of symbols because the language back then was not developed enough to have descriptive words to explain all that we are. For example, marriage was used to symbolize the Union of God and Man. In the Bible we read: ‘The Maker is thy husband.’ And throughout the Bible the soul is referred to as the ‘bride’ and the Christ power as the ‘bridegroom.’ The marriage, the Union of God and Man.

Our intent with this lesson is to awaken you to feel God as a conscious awareness within and to act from that. Peace.”

04/16/2023 Blog. Solomon, MOONLIGHT WISDOM, November 8, 2017, Pgs. 61-62. Copyright © 2018 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. To buy this book, please click here.

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