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Let's Talk About Money: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Sat, Jun 08


SGF Zoom Video Conference

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Let's Talk About Money: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Let's Talk About Money: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Time & Location

Jun 08, 2024, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

SGF Zoom Video Conference

About The Event

Many of us have a complex relationship with money.  It is a topic that is often taboo to discuss publicly so we keep our fears about money private and sometimes buried.

This webinar will bring our money struggles to the forefront and examine the unhealthy patterns and relationship many of us have with money.

The webinar will explore this topic in a deeper way by viewing money:

  • As a form of energy
  • As originating from 'money scripts' that our family of origin fostered in our upbringing
  • As triggering a survival state in our ego and body, which fuels ‘lack’
  • As having past life connections related to misuse and abuse

By the end of the webinar, we will more easily recognize and shift our view of ‘money lack’ to a wholehearted acceptance of abundance and prosperity.

We will do this through discussion and experiential exercises where we:

  • Let go of money saboteur thoughts
  • Learn to access the ‘Infinite Supply’ of abundance
  • Move beyond ‘surviving’ to trusting we are always taken care of

About the facilitators: 

Brandon Jopko B.Ed.., ATM, has consciously followed a spiritual path that started in 2005 and ultimately led him to study the sacred teachings of Sacred Garden Fellowship (SGF). Since joining SGF, he has become an educator, healer, and facilitator of events where he has promoted the power of spiritual practices and techniques. Most recently, he’s become an Advanced Trainer for the Mind Body Medicine Program from the Center for Mind Body Medicine.

Tehmina (Ayana) Meherali, M.Ed., is an educator and counselor with over 18 years’ of experience working with adolescents and adults. With her partner, Brandon Jopko, she began her study of the teachings of Archangel Gabriel and other Master Teachers as channeled by Rev. Penny Donovan. These teachings have had a life-changing effect. Through her involvement with SGF, Tehmina has experienced many healings and miracles as both healer and healee. To find out more about Tehmina, please visit:

If paying by check, please make it out to Sacred Garden Fellowship, and mail it to our address: PO Box 16304, Albany NY 12212. In addition, please email so she knows you wish to register and have sent payment.

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