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Jesus' Mission

"When Jesus was born, he was a very special child for he had with him, within his soul, the wisdom of all the ages, all the incarnations, all the lessons learned, but one wonderous lesson had yet to be attained. And that was the Anointed One, which is what the word 'Christ' means. He had attained intellectual enlightenment. He knew many things of the Spirit, and in his knowingness he realized that there had to be a love, for without it, the earth would still be in darkness. And so he came with love. Now, even as the Buddha lifted the intellect into wisdom, so the Christ lifted the emotions into love. He taught the value of the human life, that every one is a child of God. ...There is none who is better than the other. Some more evolved, some more awakened, but certainly none better."

03/17/2023 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, I AM GABRIEL, Book 1, 1987, Pg. 79. Copyright © 2015 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. To buy this book, please click here.

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